Year 6 Debate – Ruby

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4 Responses to Year 6 Debate – Ruby

  1. nhooton.311 says:

    It was very exciting, especially when Mrs Waterfield started arguing against school uniform!

  2. Mrs Jenny Waterfield says:

    I was delighted to find myself in the middle of a debate with Yr 6 class in the week about the wearing of school uniform. As we all know, this is often a matter for discussion as it provokes such strong opinions amongst the children themselves. I was very impressed with the very high level of the children’s persuasive arguements and the way in which the debates were chaired- they are obviously also learning a lot about democracy and our parliamentary system! I must admit it was rather amusing to see the reaction of the children when I began arguing against school uniform- I was as you may imagine, only teasing them! I am a firm advocate of our school uniform……..

  3. Tomisin's says:

    Like the picture of David Cameron and well done

  4. hamaa says:

    Good information!

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